Copyright © 2012 Gremi d'editorials de música de Catalunya.

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The GEMC’s editing companies

The oldest editing company of our group is Editorial de Música Boileau, which was founded in 1904. Several years after, in 1946, Clivis Publicacions was created. After a long post-war and dictatorship period and already well into democracy, Dinsic Publicacions Musicals was created in 1988; in 1989, it was La mà de Giudo’s; in 1994, Tritó Edicions; in 2001, Brotons & Mercadal; in 2015, Ficta Edicions i Produccions, and in 2018, Digital Sheet Music’s turn.
Each of these editing companies has its own features and preferences when establishing agreements with composers, and you’ll often find that an author has published different works with different editors.
In the compound of the editing companies, you’ll mostly find a selection of the most outstanding works of Catalonia’s best composers, but you’ll also find works by foreign composers.
From this page, you can access each of the GEMC’s companies and get to know their catalogues first hand.
The GEMC’s companies work with royalty entities, as the SGAE or CEDRO, to work on social consciousness and respect towards the world of creation, vital crux of the editing world.